Our company proud to be one of the major construction companies and general trade in the Republic of Iraq and one convoys reconstruction and construction, which looks to the implementation of the state plan, especially in the field of reconstruction and construction and equipping of governmental and non-governmental institutions and all requirements according to contracts concluded with them.
The activity of our company is the outstanding efforts of the sons of distinguished engineers and accountants, administrators and technical labor highly qualified and experience gained over the past years.
Iraq aleamar company provides its services in the implementation of the projects according to the highest standards in construction, infrastructure and general trade and oil services sectors
Our company provides its services in the implementation of projects according to the highest standards in construction, infrastructure and general trade and oil services sectors.
Our company is a full range of project management services offered include: software development and management, and the management and settling claims, and monitor projects, and health and safety management, cost management, and management of feasibility studies, risk management, and environmental management.
The company manages a variety of projects and play a fundamental role in the reconstruction of all sectors. To maintain the provision of services in accordance with the highest international standards of project management, and the latest project management techniques, and employ staff enjoy global expertise and skills in the field.
Since its inception the company has committed to excellence in performance and work to provide typical results for its customers.
The company’s values, which are integrity, excellence and learning, partnership and responsibility, unity, safety and competition, the basic rule of T-proceed from which to implement our business.
Safety and Health Program
The main Goal of this program is to keep and protect the life and the physical situation of every worker, reaching Zero accident in each and every project activities. There is no gain in any project financially or mortally if any accident exists, normally accident appears through simple, silly mistakes, keeping strict regulation by Safety officer reducing injuries at work.
The Safety officer responsibilities are:
1-Conduction Safety and Health orientations to acquaint employees with project conditions, safe work, practices and procedures.
2-Monitoring employees & contractor’s compliance with the applicable environmental safety and health requirements.
3-Educating, advising and coaching personnel on environmental, safety and health regulations inspections and activities.
4-Providing information to employees regarding their emergency response responsibilities.
Quality Assurance Program
IRAQ ALEAMAR is committed to providing superior quality projects to its clients at the highest level of competence. This commitment is paramount to the further successes to Iraq Aleamar . This goal is achieved through the efforts of each employee taking responsibility for the quality of their work and by them expecting and demanding the same high quality work from other team members of the organization working with them. A formal Quality system that meets the requirements of quality requirements is an efficient and effective manner. The company has developed a quality system, which ensures the following:
* Safe, economic , efficient and effective, productive methods for working.
* Compliance with Codes of Ethics.
* Compliance with clients’ obligations, needs and specifications.
* Protecting the project’s environmental issues.
* Maintenance of a high level of quality, performance and professionalism.
* Continuous improvement in the methods of operation.
The organizational structure and administrative company
Organizational structure and corporate administrative heads of departments of the organizational structure of the group
Consists of five directors were present always Recognitions and provide periodic reports to the Chairman of the Board of Directors are: –
- The Director-General
- Engineering Director
- Commercial Director
- Chief Financial Officer
- Director of Public Relations
Each manager has a qualified staff raise Recognitions related to business and duties and responsibilities of each The five managers are also members of the Administrative Committee, chaired by the President of the Board of Directors of the Group.
Administrative body has unusual meetings with the President. Engineering section consists of several sections managed by licensed and qualified engineers, with different competencies and terms of reference, such as civil and mechanical engineering, and electrical as well as the group has a commercial marketing department is responsible for all domestic and global marketing affairs. The financial section is also the financial and administrative affairs of the business. All employees of the companies are on the permanent staffing, there are some Group employees on temporary employment.
IRAQ ALEAMAR Company has four departments by which it manage all types of projects and complete it in time and in a professional way. The divisions of our company let us move in a study steps and decrease / finish any problem which may happen. These divisions are as fellow:
1-Managements Department :Management Department is represented by the manager of the company and his advisors who take the decisions related to participate in projects and their types, provinces of work, attend the meetings with the companies and organizations and achieve the agreements.
2-Design Department: In order to achieve its objectives and provide the highest level of consulting services .Design Department has built a team of professionals with high technical and artistic qualifications. Our team includes a selected Company of architects and engineers covering all fields and disciplines related to engineering consulting services.
3- Execution Department: Execution Department is the department which shows our ability to implement project in a short time with maximum quality. This Department has expert structural engineers who can achieve all types of projects, lead our team at the site of work, review and give decisions in a short time to increase the speed of daily progress depending on Engineering Standard Specifications. The objective of this department includes:
- Studying structural design and checking procedures for the different execution phases.
- Preparing the constructional techniques for structural works.
- Site supervision with advanced procedures for high quality control.
- Studying/assessing structural problems and optimizing structural solutions.
- Comparison of projects design by computer applications in the structural analysis and design process.
- Preparing project specifications for structural works.
- Extensive knowledge in upgrading and rehabilitation of existing structures including familiarity with
materials and procedures, defect survey and failure assessment.
4-Finance Department
This department is responsible for studying the projects financially and provides the budget. The team of this department is preparing general information about the project cost and the ways of providing the amounts to complete job in time. Finance department has accountants who have great experience through their work with governmental directorate and get more experience through their work with our company.